Welcome to my new photography website designed by my talented daughter, Susan Clausen. I'm totally excited about the design, accessibility, and user friendly characteristics. Below are a few features that are especially great for my clients:
Your Photos - This feature makes it easy for my clients to access their photos while offering privacy if they don't prefer to have their photos online for the public to see. The photo albums here are password protected. So when I work with my clients, I will upload their personal album and provide a password specific to them so they can take a look at the results of the photo shoot or even share the password with their friends and family.
Contact - I can always be reached in numerous ways via phone, email, social media, etc. but now there is a simple form on my contact page that makes it simple to send me a message without having to remember my email address, phone number, or handles. Try it out, I will do my best to be in touch within 24 hours!
Blog - This blog will offer a variety of posts but if you are looking for tips and tricks on improving your own photography, you will want to check back from time to time to read about my photography methods that you may be able to utilize. Feel free to ask me any questions and I may answer them via blog post. Being both a teacher and a photographer, it is my nature to share information especially considering how many of you enjoy taking pictures and would probably like to improve as a photographer. You will also be able to get a "behind the scenes" look at the stories behind some of my pictures. This blog will evolve over time but I will be sure to share anything that I think you might find noteworthy in the world of photography.
I hope you like this new website as much as I do and I especially hope you like the photographs I've taken!